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Our vision
At Cauli, we envision a world without single-use packaging waste.
One third of the world's waste is packaging, including 65MT of single-use food & drink packaging. This is a peculiar problem, as only 14% of it is actually recyled or composted due to contamination and a lack of composting infrastructure.
The amount of waste and asscoiated emissions can be reduced by up to 92% if packaging is reusable.
Reuse, Return, Repeat
Cauli helps food businesses manage reusable packaging, with access to our supply chain and award-winning technology.
Within a circular system, the packaging is used, tracked, returned and washed, eliminating single-use waste.
Reusable packaging must be trackable and reused a minimum number of times to be truly sustainable. Our technology stack ensures packaging always comes back in circulation.
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